Friday, September 30, 2011

Engineering career

The project that we just finished was about our career 10 years in the future. we had do describe our job, how we got there, and we had to interview a professional engineer(PE). I interviewed a PE at gaston engineering I learned how much work it takes to become a PE and the benefeits of becoming a PE. I didnt like how difficult it was to find information about college courses. I would not do the project any differently.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Greek Revival Architecture

The past few days we have been working on a project in class. We had to build a model of the architectural style we chose.

I learned that the Greek revival style has a symmetrical shape, narrow windows, and a symmetrical shape. I liked making the pieces of the house, but gluing the pieces together was annoying because you had little time to set the pieces before the glue cooled down. if i could do it differently, i would have made it a bit smaller.