Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Affordable house-Thumbnail Sketch

Earlier in this project, the class had to create a thumbnail sketch of our house before we made them on Revit. We had to give it dimensions, furniture, and rooms.
This was my sketch of the house. It was fun because we could create the house how we wanted as long as we followed the house building codes, like how many bedrooms were needed, the square footage, bathrooms, and other rooms.

Affordable house-support drawings

In class, we made a drawing of our house and the plumbing plan going through it. The Red represents hot water, the blue represents cold water, and the green represents sewage.
This was a fun activity besides the fact that using microsoft paint is annoying. I had to write in the "plumbing wall" instead of using a text box because my font got all messed up so now when i type, it is like pressing tab.

Affordable house-site plan/sewers

We put our house on the site, and drew all of the plumbing and pipes in the street. we had to connect them to our house from manholes. We also put trees on our site.
This was a fun activity because it was simple, and you could put trees wherever you wanted to.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Affordable house- Electrical system

In class today, we drew lights, wires, and switches into our house plan. The switches are boxes labeled "s", and the boxes labeled s3 are 3 way switches.. the lights are circles, and the wires are dashed lines. This was a fun activity, but it was a little irritating because of paint.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Affordable house-Site Plan

 In class, we made a house on Autodesk Revit (Which was on an earlier blog) and we had to put it on a plot. we had to draw sanitary sewer lines and water lines. We had to connect them to our house.
This assignment helped me learn a little about sanitary systems and how they work in our homes.